I cant believe I haven't posted for so long. So much has happened in such a short time frame that I can't even find time to relax in front of a computer and write about it. We have been sick...we had Valentines day... Parade of Homes and parents moving back to the States. However, with all that I wanted to concentrate on the most important event of all... our Anniversary.
***warning I do get mushy lol***
It’s hard to believe that I have been married now for a whole year. I always hear from couples how the first year is the hardest and to be honest I was a little nervous. What happens when you get married…does he turn into this mean troll that doesn’t want to have anything to do with you? Well I’m here to testify that I married no troll but truly my best friend who I fall in love with more and more every day. I’m always excited to go home and see him and I still get excited when he kisses me on my forehead. He’s always up for an adventure and we have had such fun times together. Most importantly he knows how to be a friend… how to listen to my problems and give advice and how to just love me no matter how dumb our goofy I act or how bad my hair day is.
I’m grateful for the friends I have found through him. He has truly wonderful friends that I love hanging out with and that are lasting ones.
I’m thankful for Austin and Skyler and Nicole and Christine and so many others … we have had such hilarious moments together… we have laughed and cried and worked through life and I’m so grateful and blessed to have you guys a part of our life and we love you and love our crazy party times with you.
Well I look forward to forever with Jake and so many more fun times ahead of us. I’m really so lucky and blessed in my life.
and because I love my little Hera so much here is a picture of her watching the Dog Show on TV. She brought her toy duck up to watch it with her (no i did not place it for her - she did that all on her own)