I love how Jake is just laughing at me as i'm scared lol!
Knubbins striking a pose:
this one is blurry but its the only one I have so far of Honey Pot:
I was called as the 2nd counselor in the primary – eek! I’m a little nervous about it but it should be a good experience for me. Its going to be interesting trying to juggle trips and work with church but I think it will come together in the end. I went to a little high school reunion in Provo a couple of weeks ago. I had a chance to hang out with Tiff and see a lot of people I haven’t seen in years. It was a lot of fun looking back on some really perfect times and getting to see where everyone was in life.
Me and one of me best of friends:
Tiff took me to this cute cupcake place - of course I saw the peanut butter fudge cookies and said heck with the cupcake I want that!
Well short post but really all I have for right now…