Just a random post of Jake and I out having fun at the horses. We have been watching these Clinton Anderson training videos and then going out and trying to train Zelph on them. As you can see he needs a lot of work and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to show you the video because of what a chicken I am in it. Just before I started recording Zelph seemed to be trying to see how high he could jump and kick in the air. Of course when I start recording he doesn’t show any of that and only me being all scared.
I love how Jake is just laughing at me as i'm scared lol!
Knubbins striking a pose:
this one is blurry but its the only one I have so far of Honey Pot:
I was called as the 2nd counselor in the primary – eek! I’m a little nervous about it but it should be a good experience for me. Its going to be interesting trying to juggle trips and work with church but I think it will come together in the end. I went to a little high school reunion in Provo a couple of weeks ago. I had a chance to hang out with Tiff and see a lot of people I haven’t seen in years. It was a lot of fun looking back on some really perfect times and getting to see where everyone was in life.
Me and one of me best of friends:
Tiff took me to this cute cupcake place - of course I saw the peanut butter fudge cookies and said heck with the cupcake I want that!
Well short post but really all I have for right now…
13 years ago