I finally got to go through the temple! It was an amazing experience! My mom and I
got to the temple early, well early for a Saturday, 8:30AM and I was instantly surrounded by the cutest little old ladies I have ever seen. Everyone just started congratulating me and acting like I had known them all my life. Instantly I just felt so peaceful and could feel the spirit so strongly.
Some funny moments during my experience that I can talk about was at one point my mom and I were in the waiting area which was a gorgeous prep room where they had lots of mirrors and big chandeliers and a bunch of stations where you could fix makeup and hair. Well one girl was in there flipping out because she didn’t fit in her wedding dress, all of a sudden??? Which how does that happen? The mom was freaking out and asking my mom for help and running around trying to get the temple helpers to assist and the whole time I’m thinking…what are we suppose to do??? Make her lose 5lbs in 5 min lol.? They finally squished her into her dress and I thought that the first person she hugs she is going to pop. Then of course you have the high maintenance St. George girl who was throwing a fit that she couldn’t keep her enormous daisy in her hair LOL! I was dying! She had this scowl on her face the whole time (which sad for her she isn’t realizing what’s most important about this day) and the cute worker ladies were all trying to remain nice and calm but you could just tell they were struggling. Then she comes out of her dressing room and the ladies are all looking at each other nervous and then one of them said “you need to bustle your dress” and the girl snaps back… It’s ALREADY bustled. So they were telling her how it was too long and they can’t have the train following her like that down the hall and she insisted she wasn’t going to change and that she would just hold the train. I about died laughing at that point… good luck to that poor husband.
They had someone by me every second of the way and my mom was with me of course and thank goodness she was, because she was a huge comfort, but right before I go walk into the room my mom decides to go to the restroom!!! SO I’m standing there by myself, totally overwhelmed and I see my friend Laura and Jake and my Dad and instant comfort!
Don’t worry that I have a big pink tag on me so EVERYONE can know I’m the new girl! Then they keep referring to Jake as my fiancĂ© and I have to keep clarifying that he’s my husband. Then when everyone was again leaving me to fend for myself and I started to panic, out of nowhere this darling little cute temple worker is at my side and she helped me through everything. She was trying to calm me down and all I did was look at her and grab her hand and said “okay you’re going to tell me what to do right… you’re not leaving me … and you’re going to stay by me through the rest of this!” she looked at me and laughed a little and she did stay by my side the rest of the time. It was totally awesome and I just loved every moment of it all and looking over at my darling husband and him smiling back and thinking “this is awesome”.
Oh and Dad’s camera broke when it was time for pictures so all I have are these photos taken by my phone. I didn’t even get a shot with Brother and Sister Nielsen, are temple prep teachers that were absolutely awesome. They have become such a blessing in our lives and we were so grateful not only for the wonderful lessons but also the friendships that were made and getting to be a part of their loving home.
Also, Nicole and Laura - love you guys! Laura you were such a huge comfort to me and i was so thankful to have you right next to me through it all. Nicole, you were there in spirit lol She was two minutes late to the session and not allowed in...and after coming all the way from Vegas for it. Of course my parents - love you guys and i'm so blessed to have you in my life.