So, I didn’t know about idiot wounds until about two years ago when I witnessed my first one. Jake and I took some friends from England out to go shooting. They had never done two things in their life that they wanted to experience here in the U.S. The first was shooting and the second was riding in the back of a pickup truck. I guess they had seen them both in movies and wanted to experience it themselves.
So it’s getting a little late and probably to the point where we want to stop shooting out in the middle of the desert, but we had one more watermelon to blow up before we called it quits. Jake pulls the scope up to his eye and being that its getting a little dark he can’t see very well and pulls the scope just that much closer…BAM… the recoil of the gun pushes the scope back into Jakes head and hits him right between the eyes, and that my friends is what an idiot wound is.
Now it’s my birthday weekend and Jake plans this romantic horseback ride through Pine Valley. We have Justia the pretty palomino of Phils that I will be riding, loaded into the trailer that Randy and Sharon were nice enough to let us borrow for the day. Now we only have the Knubbins to load and she is a pain. The last time I tried helping her load I was almost in tears because I thought for sure she was going to kill me. So I’m trying to tell myself that now she’s worked with so she should totally load easier…well… not what she had in mind and apparently being my birthday didn’t sink in for her. So Jake has her half way in and asks me to take the rope through the window of the front of the trailer. Okay first off I’m not so much of a rookie that I wrap the rope around my hand! I swear that rope was not looped but Knubbins of course freaks out and pulls back with all her strength and the rope start slipping through my hand and I must have had it bunched somehow because it burns my hand and then loops my pointer finger and I can’t let go!!! So her strength pulls my arm through the little window and my head slams right into the trailer and that my friends is how Julia got her first idiot wound!!!!
After a lot of ice and getting to the point quickly where I could laugh at myself, I was fine. I learned from my mistake and used the trailer for leverage with the rope and got the Knubbins beast in.

So now I’m laying here in bed Sunday morning loving the time change because every inch of my body hurts…. Including my idiot wound. Honestly though, thank you Jake for a perfect birthday! He got me the game Parcheesi that is a very competitive game and we have been staying up until 1:00am each night playing the darn thing. He was going to get me the Nook because I’ve wanted it for so long, but I left to go pick it out and I just couldn’t do it. So we turned around and stopped at the library instead where I finally got a library card and got a book on cd and a paperback to read. Is it weird that I get this satisfaction of finishing a book and seeing all those pages I read? Would I feel the same way reading it off the Nook? That’s probably totally silly, but for now I’ll stick to my paper lol.
I totally got spoiled this year and thank you to all my friends who made it honestly so special. Mom and Dad and Aunt Donna, even living in Idaho I still felt totally loved on my birthday from you.
Love you guys!
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