Sunday, June 14, 2009


The relaxing weekend get away with friends and family turned into a survivor episode minus Spencer and Heidi celebrity survivor edition. Jake went up for the whole week and spent some great quality time with his Dad. My parents came in on Thursday and probably didn’t leave the motor home the entire day… the May Flies hatched and they were swarming! When I arrived early Friday morning I ran from the SUV to the cabin trying to hold back my screams because that would only mean a swarm of bugs would be entering my mouth. I felt like you couldn’t even breath they were so bad.
So when you can’t play outside you play board games inside, and boy did we ever play some serious board games. Not sure if anyone has played Rummikub but it’s a blast!!! I came home from our vacation and went right to the store to purchase it. Friday night the bugs let up a little bit so I went out fishing with Dad and Jake on the little boat. They both had this complex technique to catching fish while I sat in the middle of the boat with my jacket pulled up around my face and my hat pulled down over my eyes and the fishing pole sticking out of my bundle of clothing. This is my moment to brag – my way WON!!!! I caught two fishes!!! I caught a 3lb and a 2.5lb and Jake and Dad…well…they caught NONE! Haha!
We then came back to a very happy family with a plentiful supply of fish for dinner. Grandma fried some up and we had a wonderful family dinner. Grandpa became very excited about the fishing and was of course proud of his granddaughter.
The next morning Dad, Grandpa and Jake went out early on the fishing boat and Dad caught a 3lb and Grandpa caught an “almost” 3lb ;)
Okay I wont leave out Jakes big catches… he caught a big 5lb earlier that week and a 3lb and a 2.5lb. So he brought in the bacon…or the fish.
My mom and I were done with the fishing and took off to pick up Austin and Skyler at the airport. We then went to Yellowstone national park and faced the worst animals of all time in fierce blizzards – we saw a wolf – which turned out to really be a deer – we saw a wild goose – we saw a huge bear, which turned out to be yet another buffalo. It was a lot of fun hanging out with them and even my mom had a blast with the crazy group. So after not seeing anything worth taking a National Geographic shot of we headed back to the cabin.
We had a wonderful dinner and Jake took Austin and Skyler out fishing. Skyler had never fished before and once I explained to him that he would have to put the worm on the hook, he didn’t really like the idea of going anymore lol. We came back empty handed and cold, so we jumped into the car and drove to town to buy drinks and snacks. We came back played a few games and watch the movie Taken.
The next morning we woke up to a HUGE snow storm. Austin and Skyler were debating the night before on staying outside in the tent or staying in the nice warm cabin. I think they made the right decision of staying in doors that night. You can check out the pictures…and no they are not computer altered : ) we really did have that much snow.
So we survived, random animals, may fly disaster and the white out blizzard but it was a blast hanging with family and friends.

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